Click Here to Watch the Recording on YouTubeBOOKSEmbodied: Transgender Identities, The Church, and What the Bible Has to Sayby Preston SprinkleClick Me!What God Has to Say about Out Bodies: How the Gospel is Good News for Our Physical Selvesby Sam AllberryClick Me!God and the Transgender Debateby Andrew T. WalkerClick Me!Embodied: Living as Whole People in a Fractured Worldby Gregg AllisonClick Me!Understanding Transgender Identities: Four Viewsby Bielby and EddyClick Me!Irreversible Damageby Abigail ShrierClick Me!Understanding Gender Dysphoriaby Mark A. YarhouseClick Me!Gender Ideologyby Sharon JamesClick Me!The Rise and Triumph of the Modern Selfby Carl R. TruemanClick Me!The Secular Creed: Engaging Five Contemporary Claimsby Rebecca McLaughlinClick Me!Talking Points: Transgenderby Vaughn RobersClick Me!ARTICLESThe Gospel Coalition's Collection of Articles on Transgender TopicsClick Me!The Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission of the SBC's Collection of Articles on Transgender TopicsClick Me!COUNSELING CENTERSPractical Parenting ResourcesClick Me!Grace Church in Middleburg HeightsClick Me!Northcoast Family FoundationClick Me!Cornerstone of HopeClick Me!Free to Be MinistriesClick Me!Fieldstone CounselingClick Me!Emerge Counseling MinistriesClick Me!